September 21, 2020 Bible Study Plant the Seeds of Righteousness, or Cultivate a Crop of Wickedness, You Choose

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

In the year 2000, on the 23rd day of this month, my wife married me.  So here we are on day 18 of the 20 days that I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary for 20 years of marriage.  Happy Anniversary Darling!

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hosea 8-14.

In a passage such as this one I tend to avoid the part that people pull out of it for an easy topic, but in today’s passage that part really is the central point.  Hosea tells us that God has called us to plow up the hard ground of our hearts.  Hosea is not the only prophet to give us this message.  Hosea also tells us that God has told us to plant seeds of righteousness so that we can harvest a crop of love, but instead of doing so we have cultivated wickedness.  Which brings us to the circumstances we see in the world around us.  We have protest and riots about perceived injustice, but no one pays attention that these perceived injustices happened because people sowed crime and hostility.  Rather than encourage people to sow the seeds of righteousness so that they can harvest a crop of love, some leaders are cultivating a crop of wickedness.  I want to point out that for the point I am making today it is irrelevant if the perceived injustices are real or not.  Real or not, acting with righteousness will bring healing and love which will correct the problem.  Our choices in this life are: we can sow the seeds of righteousness and harvest a crop of love, or we can cultivate wickedness and harvest destruction.  You can never build anything with destruction.




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