September 20, 2016 Bible Study — Don’t Try To Pass the Blame

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 13
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Hosea 1-7.

    The essence of the Book of Hosea is that all too often when we humans have been blessed by God we forget that He is the source of our blessings. When times are good we do not give God credit for the good that has happened to us. As a result God takes His blessings from us until we turn to Him once more. It is our failure to be truly faithful which has led our society to turn ever farther from God. One of the problems in our society is that we of faith all too often point the finger of responsibility for what goes wrong at others rather than taking responsibility for our own failures to be faithful. Our religious leaders have chosen not to know God because the more their followers sin, the richer they get. We follow such religious leaders because they tell us that we can do what pleases us rather than what pleases God.


    I know that this generalization does not fit all of us, but it does fit too many of us. As an example of where we have gone wrong, I am part of a denomination that once taught that Christians are always the minority. But somewhere in the last generation, it started to teach, well, perhaps not teach, but at least accept the teaching from others, that Christians have been in the majority. This is not to say that the forefathers in my denomination were without flaw, but they understood one important truth: If you want to be faithful to God, you will not “fit in” to society.

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