September 17, 2019 Bible Study — Daniel’s Visions

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 7-8.

I have from time to time tried to interpret what today’s passage means about the times which were the future for Daniel.  All but the end of the second vision is pretty clear because Gabriel’s explanation fits well into history as we know it.  The Persian Empire dominated that part of the world until the rise of Alexander the Great.  Alexander the Great replaced them and exerted even greater dominance.  Upon his sudden death, his empire was split into four parts.  Many of those who have read this vision have believed that the “small horn whose paoer grew very great” was Antiochus Epiphanes.  However, the record of his reign is not entirely consistent with the way I read the description given in this vision of that king.  And I have not heard any explanation which, in my mind, matches up the “2,300 evenings and mornings” described at the end of the vision.

I have even less understanding about how the first vision fits into history, but I do believe it represents events which happened between Daniel’s time and our own (although I would not be shocked to discover that I was mistaken).  Even the explanation of the vision which Daniel is given fails to add much clarity.  The four beasts represent four kingdoms, the last to arise being the most powerful.  Part of what makes it difficult for me to fit into history is that the first three kingdoms have their authority taken away, but remain alive after that for some amount of time.  The only part of the visions whose meaning is clear to me is that the “son of man” will be given authority over all of the nations of the world.

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