September 17, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 10
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 7-8.

    The two visions which Daniel describes in this passage were primarily about the rise of the Hellenistic(Greek) Empire of Alexander and his successors. The primary focus of these visions was the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. These visions must have provided great comfort to the Jews at the time of that ruler. However, there is more to them than that. In both visions it is made clear that all political powers will serve at the will of God. When their time is up, they will face God’s judgment for the actions they took while using the power which He had delegated to them. The kings of this earth will be brought down when God has decreed, even though it may seem like nothing can stand in their way.

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