September 16, 2019 Bible Study — It Doesn’t Matter If You Can Read The Writing On The Wall, By The Time It Appears It Is Too Late

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 5-6.

As I get older I see more and more things to be learned from the story about the writing on the wall.  We get from this story the expression, “I can read the writing on the wall.”   In many ways that expression misses the point of this story that by the time the writing appears on the wall it is too late to avoid the coming disaster.  There is, in my opinion, an important codicil to that; if the men in the room had been able to read the writing that appeared on the wall, they would not have done the things which led to the disaster the writing foretold.

Now let us look a little closer at what the story tells us.  King Belshazzar calling for the cups taken from the Temple in Jerusalem to be used at his feast represents a clear belittling of the God to whom they were dedicated.  This was not just an act of careless disregard for the holiness of these items.  No, it was a deliberate act of contempt towards the God to whom they were dedicated.  When Daniel interpreted the writing for Belshazzar he told him the story of how Nebuchadnezzar came to humble himself before God.  A story with which Daniel states that Belshazzar would have been familiar.  This story negatively contrasts Belshazzar’s attitude towards God with that of Nebuchadnezzar before him and Darius after him.  Both Nebuchadnezzar and Darius worshiped other gods, but both came to give respect and honor to God.  Belshazzar, on the other hand, held God in contempt and felt that he could belittle those who worshiped Him for the amusement of his friends.  Generally, I expect political leaders to worship something other than God (even most of those who claim to be Christian).  However, when they begin to hold God in contempt and believe that they can belittle those who genuinely do worship God the nation will soon see disaster strike.  Similar things hold true at all levels of society.

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