September 15, 2019 Bible Study — Sometimes We Must Decide If We Will Stand Up For Our Faith

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.  

Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 3-4.

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace is another one of my favorites.  One of the things I have wondered about this story for years; where was Daniel when this happened?  I do not have an answer to that question and it does not really matter to the story.  More interesting to me is the picture I always had of this, which I realized today does not actually reflect what is described.  I have always pictured this as a great plaza with the statue in the middle with a great crowd gathered around.  The musical instruments sound and everybody in the crowd bows down, except for three men who can be seen standing amongst all of the bowing people.  Except that is not what is described.  When I read it today, I realized that Daniel’s three friends probably avoided the gathering altogether.  They likely thought, “Who’s going to notice that we stayed away?”  So, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego may well have tried to be low key and not make a scene about their unwillingness to worship anyone but God, in fact I think it likely that they did.  But when they were called out on it, they stood up for their beliefs.  There is a time and a place to quietly keep your beliefs to yourself and there is a time and a place to clearly state them.

I really like the way in which these three men answered when threatened.  They clearly and unequivocally stated their belief that God could and would save them from the danger they faced.  But they went further than that, they stated that their faithfulness to God did not rest upon their confidence that He would save them.  They stated that even if they knew that God would allow them to suffer and die, they would not worship false gods.  Let us strive to have a similar attitude; bring your struggles and difficulties to God with the knowledge that He can resolve them, but determined to remain faithful to Him even if He chooses to allow our suffering to continue.

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