September 12, 2021 Bible Study — Uncircumcised In Heart

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 44-45.

Ezekiel here refers to those who are “uncircumcised in heart and flesh”.  He condemns the people of Israel for bringing those who wee “uncircumcised in heart and in flesh” into the Temple, in to God’s sanctuary.  He goes on to say that after the restoration of the Temple, no one so uncircumcised is to be allowed into God’s sanctuary.  I think it noteworthy that priority is given to being uncircumcised in heart over being uncircumcised in flesh. Further, I believe that this prophecy has application to the Church today.  All too often the Church has failed to tell those who refuse to accept its teachings that they need to go elsewhere.  Time and again we see people who argue for changing the Church’s teaching on a subject continue to do so after the Church has debated, prayed, and accepted the Holy Spirit’s guidance on the issue against their stance.  Such people must be told that they are no longer welcome to take part in discussions about Church policy.  If they believe the Church is wrong, they should find like-minded people and form their own group which worships God according to their understanding of His will.  God’s Spirit will reveal, over time, which group He truly resides among.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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