September 10, 2020 Bible Study Cleaning Up After the Battle

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

In the year 2000, on the 23rd day of this month, my wife married me.  So here we are on day 7 of the 20 days that I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary for 20 years of marriage.  Happy Anniversary Darling!

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 39-40.

Today’s continuation of Ezekiel’s prophecy against Gog and Magog contains an element which has always led me to think it was figurative.  He speaks of the people of Israel using the weapons of the defeated army as fuel for seven years.  I cannot imagine modern weapons carried by an army which could be used in that manner.  This is really the only part of Ezekiel’s description of the aftermath of the battle which I cannot see how it would potentially describe the aftermath of a modern battle.  If Israel was attacked by a force such as that described here by Ezekiel, it would not be out of the question for Israel to use nuclear weapons to stop them.  It would also not be out of the question for such an army to be carrying biological agents with them.  Both of those things would explain the description of special groups being designated for cleanup of the battlefield.  Ultimately, I pray that the fulfillment of this prophecy is not ordained to happen in my lifetime.

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