September 10, 2016 Bible Study — Will Israel Be Invaded?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. Later this month it will be my wife’s and my 16th anniversary. To celebrate this event I have decided to wish my wife Happy Anniversary for 16 days.

Happy Anniversary, Alanna–Day 3
Thank you for being my wife.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 38-40.

    The Bible reading schedule I am using had chapter 38 as part of yesterday’s passage, but I added it to today since I did not talk about it yesterday and it fits with the beginning of today’s passage. In this passage Ezekiel prophesies against a ruler named Gog, who rules over the land of Magog. I have long struggled with whether this prophecy is literal or purely metaphorical. As I was reading this I looked into the geographical area to which Ezekiel might have been referring. Throughout history there have been several theories about where the countries mentioned were located. The leading candidates for Magog put it either in the area where Turkey is currently, or in the areas occupied by various former Soviet Republics (most of which have an overwhelmingly Muslim population). If this prophecy is literal, that is if the leader of “Magog” is actually going to muster his armies, and those of his allies, to invade Israel, and that invasion was going to happen in the near future, the land of “Magog” would be the nation of Turkey. The listed allies are also currently Muslim nations. Certainly, such an invasion in the next 10 years would not be surprising.


    Ezekiel’s prophecy tells us that this invasion will fail (whether it is the one I postulated or another one). Ezekiel’s prophecy describes a terrible defeat for the invading army. The defeat will occur as a result of the confluence of three things (as I read the passage). The forces of nature will act against the invaders (torrential downpours, and possibly earthquakes). The alliance will fall apart and the mustered forces will fight each other. Finally, disease will ravage the invading army. The description of the clean up process suggests that nuclear weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction may be used. As I look at the world today, such an invasion looks like a real possibility. If it happens, God will reveal His power to those with eyes to see.


    I struggle with this interpretation of this passage because so many have interpreted it in light of the current events of their time and been proven wrong. Nevertheless, the above interpretation is plausible when one considers the current world situation. Turkey is currently ruled by a man who is hostile to the land of Israel, as are all of the other nations listed (or their successors). the rulers of Saudi Arabia, which controls the areas which were Sheba and Dedan, are not hostile to Israel currently. They even seem to consider Israel a potential ally against those they view as a greater threat. I am unwilling to say that my interpretation is the truth, but I think we should look at the world and be prepared to praise God when He shows His power.

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