October 8, 2019 Bible Study –Choose Your Words With More Care Than You Choose Your Food

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Matthew 15-17

When the Pharisees confront Jesus over the failure of His disciples to follow their traditions, He points out how traditions often en up being used as an excuse to not follow Go’s commands.  Then a little later in the passage, Jesus compares such traditions to yeast.  It just takes a small seemingly harmless tradition but which can be used to avoid taking responsibility for doing God’s will to undermine the good intentions of people.  One other important point regarding this: what we say influences whether we do God’s will, while what we eat does not.    Therefor we should put more effort into choosing our words than we do into choosing what we eat and how we prepare it.


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