October 28, 2020 Bible Study Seek the Kingdom of God, Even In the Small and Insignificant Things

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 12-13

I have spent significant effort trying to figure out how to word my thoughts on this passage.  Jesus talks about not fearing those who can kill our bodies but not effect our souls.  He then goes on to tell us not to worry about anything and to put more effort into pleasing God than in accumulating material possessions.  If our first priority is to seek the Kingdom of God, God will meet all of our other needs.   Jesus even gives us a contrast to work with.  Determining how to meet their material needs dominates the thoughts of unbelievers throughout the world.  Determining how to fulfill God’s will should dominate the thoughts of believers.  If we place our trust in God, we will be freed up from spending time and resources on securing our material future so that we can spend our time and resources pleasing God.  Luke goes on to write about an incident which brings Jesus’ point into focus.  When the synagogue leader berated the woman whom Jesus healed on the Sabbath for being healed on the Sabbath, Jesus berated him for being unwilling to see someone released from suffering because it was the Sabbath. His point here being that we should seek to aid those in need whenever the opportunity presents itself.  Then Luke presents two related teachings from Jesus: one about the mustard seed, and one about yeast.  In seeking to bring in the Kingdom of God we should do even the things which seem small and insignificant because small and insignificant things often have results much greater than we would expect.

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