October 28, 2018 Bible Study — Balancing the Need To Take a Stand For What Is Right With the Knowledge That We Can’t Be Sure That We Are Right

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 12-13.

    I needed this passage today. Lately, I have been worrying about my long term finances. Jesus reminds us here not to do so. God takes care of the Lillies of the field, He will take care of us. Instead, I need to be focusing on how I can serve God. If we put our attention on using our resources and time to serve God, He will provide for our other needs. However, we need to serve God now not plan to do so at some future time. Our time to serve Him may run out at any moment. Let’s not waste the opportunities we have now because we think we will have a better opportunity later.

    One of the things which has always bothered me in disputes about Church issues are those who insist that we compromise our beliefs in order for the Church to be unified. While Church unity is important, so is faithfully preaching the Gospel. In today’s passage, Jesus reminds us that He did not come to bring unity. He came to bring division. He demands that we choose whether we will serve Him, or serve the world. There comes a time when we must be willing to take a stand for what we believe, even if it means we will suffer for it. However, that does not mean that we should admire people for taking a stand for what is wrong. We need to take a stand for what is right, but we need to always be aware that we may be wrong about what is right. That is one of the great paradoxes of our faith.

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