October 28, 2016 Bible Study — Decide For Ourselves What Is Right

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 12-13.

    Jesus teaches that we should not, that we need not, worry about material possessions because God knows our needs and will care for us. In fact, He tells us that we should expend our material possessions to help those in need and thus store up possessions in Heaven. From there He goes on to give two illustrations about being ready for His return. Then Peter asks Him if those illustrations were just for the disciples, or for everyone. Rather than answer outright, Jesus gives yet another illustration about a servant who has been placed over other servants to await their master’s return. The traditional interpretation of all three of these illustrations is that Jesus should find us doing as He instructed when He returns, and this is correct. However, I realized today that it is incomplete. Looking at how these illustrations come on the heels of Jesus telling us to store up wealth in Heaven, it occurred to me that Jesus was also telling us that we should be ready to help those in need when the opportunity presents itself to us.


    Jesus’ third illustration, which He gave in response to Peter’s question, indicates that those, such as the disciples, who have been given authority over others will be held to a higher standard. Jesus’ third illustration on this subject teaches us that those who have been given more authority, more wealth, more knowledge, or more of something else will be held to a higher standard. Jesus even puts in a bit about those pastors, and other leaders, who abuse their position to benefit themselves at the expense of those over whom they have been given authority. If we know what God’s will for us and do not act accordingly, we will suffer much greater punishment than those who do not know His will.


    Jesus goes on to tell His disciples that He did not come to bring unity. He says here that He came to bring division. This passage is directly aimed at those who argue that we should acquiesce on this or that point in the name of unity. My understanding of what Jesus means here is significantly influenced by the fact that immediately after saying this to the disciples Jesus turns to the crowds and asks them why they cannot decide for themselves what is right. We are to decide for ourselves what is right, not take the word of our pastor, or some other leader. Don’t take my word for what is right. Read the Bible, pray, listen to how others interpret it, and allow the Holy Spirit to move in your heart to understand what God wants you to do. But that is not going to lead to unity because some of us will see things one way and others will see it another, and some people will push for us to accept things which they know are wrong.

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