October 27, 2015 Bible Study — Live Wisely and Teach the Truth

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Proverbs 26:17

    Expressing an opinion about an argument other people are having is likely to cause both of them to turn on you. Even if that does not happen, you are unlikely to have understood what the argument is about and may end up supporting the person who was in the wrong.


Psalm 99

    The Lord is king and I will bow before His throne. Mighty men (and women) of faith have called on Him in their time of need and He answered them. He will answer us today, if we turn to Him.


Titus 2

    Paul instructs us to teach everyone to live wisely, not getting drunk and being filled with love and patience. We, ourselves, should be examples to those around us, living lives of integrity and teaching the truth. If we stick to God’s truth those who oppose us will have nothing bad to say about us.


Jeremiah 51:1-53

    Jeremiah continues his prophesies about how the mightiest nation on earth will fall. He warns the people of God to be prepared to separate themselves from those who revel in that nation’s sins. However, he also warns them not to panic, just leave as the opportunity presents itself. Do not stand and watch the coming fall.

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