October 26, 2019 Bible Study — Are We Willing To Pay The Price To Follow Jesus?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 9

The one problem I have with the current read-the-Bible-in-a-year plan I am using for this blog is that when I get to Luke it is the third time in a short period where I am reading a slight variation on the same story.  I really ran into that problem today.  However, Today’s passage does contain some insights on what it means to follow Jesus.

We have two sections of today’s passage which shed light on what following Jesus involves.  At the end of the passage, Luke tells us of three men who considered following Jesus.  We do not know whether they ultimately did follow Him or not, but Jesus’ interaction with them shows us that following Him involves being willing to give up our loyalties and commitments to anything else.  Earlier in the passage, when Jesus first told His disciples about His death, He told them that each day they would need to decide to be willing to face suffering and death for Him.  Each and every day we need to choose to do that which will please God, recognizing that doing so may lead us to lose that which we desire.  It does us no good to get everything we desire if we lose ourselves in the process.  Each day we must ask ourselves if we are willing to pay the price to follow Jesus, and each day we must commit ourselves to paying that price.

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