October 16, 2020 Bible Study Put As Much, Or More, Effort Into Your Spiritual Health As Into Your Physical Health

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Mark 6-7

I did not write much about Jesus’ comments on hand washing and purity when I read it in Matthew, but I want to spend some time on it today.  It would be easy to think that Jesus was unaware of the health benefits of hand washing, and of washing eating utensils.  However, that misses the point.  Jesus does not say that washing serves no good purpose, or even that we should not wash our hands before eating.  Rather, He tells us that we should be more concerned with our spiritual health than with our physical health.  Contaminated food can only harm our physical bodies, we should be more concerned with that which can harm our spirits and our souls.  Further, Jesus tells us that what we say and do defiles our souls in much the same way that eating contaminated food can make our bodies sick.  It is what comes from within which controls our spiritual health and well-being.  Say and do that which is wholesome and our spirits will become healthier and stronger.  If, instead, we say and do those things which are vile, our spirits will become corrupt and weak.

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