October 15, 2020 Bible Study Peace, Be Still

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Mark 4-5

There are two powerful statements in today’s passage.  The first is Jesus’ response to the storm: “Peace, be still.”  What makes that so interesting and powerful is that He said it after the Apostles woke Him in a panic about the storm.  Having said that and calmed the storm He asked them why they were afraid.  Jesus was able to sleep during the storm because He had faith.  He knew that God was in charge of everything in the world, including the storm, and that God’s plans would be fulfilled.  There was no need, and nothing to gain, from staying awake and worrying about the storm.  When life’s storms beat at us we should try to live as Jesus lived, calmly and without fear.  Sometimes those storms will overwhelm even those among us with the strongest faith, when that happens we can call on God and He will provide us with the calm needed to face our lives.   However, sometimes we need to do for others what Jesus did for His Apostles and calm the storms which are overwhelming their faith.  Do you have the faith, do I have the faith, to call out to life’s storms, “Peace, be still” with the confidence that God will still those storms?  And remember, sometimes all it takes to calm life’s storms is for someone to calmly respond to them.

The other one is that of the woman seeking healing: “If I can just touch His robe…”  That is another statement of faith.  The woman knew, she just knew, that if she could get close to Jesus and touch His robe she would be healed.  Do we share her desire to get close to Jesus?  Do we share her faith that just being near Him will bring us healing?

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