October 12, 2020 Bible Study Praying For Things To Work Out As We Desire While Surrendering To God’s WIll

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Matthew 25-26

This is another passage with many lessons for us, but today I want to focus on what we can learn about praying for things to happen.  When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane He prayed that He not have to go through the coming suffering.  However, He also surrendered Himself to God’s will in that prayer.  He desperately wanted to avoid the coming suffering, but He saw no way to avoid it if God’s plan was to be fulfilled.  In the same way, we should pray for that which we desire to happen, but accept that perhaps God’s plans require things to work out differently.  We should not be ashamed to pray for what we want, even when we believe God’s plan calls for something different.  We should just remain open to things not going as we desire.  We see more of this in Jesus’ second prayer.  In His second prayer, Jesus understood that He was going to need to suffer.  So, He referenced His desire that things go differently while surrendering completely to God’s will.

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