October 12, 2016 Bible Study — What Have We Done With the Opportunities We Did Not Know We Had?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Matthew 25-26.

    As I read the parable of the three servants and the story about the sheep and the goats at the final judgment, I realized that there is a connection there. Over the summer my pastor preached a sermon on the parable of the three servants where he compared the coins given to the servants to opportunities. What have we done with the opportunities God has given us? Have we turned them into more opportunities? Today when I read the story of the final judgment in this passage I realized that the sheep and the goats had one thing in common: neither one of them recognized when they had the opportunity to serve Jesus. The difference was that the sheep took advantage of those opportunities despite the fact that they did not recognize what they were, while the goats did not. Have we taken advantage of the opportunities we have had, even though we did not recognize them at the time?

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