November 7, 2021 Bible Study — There Are Those Who Will Not Believe, Even If They See A Man Raised From The Dead

Today, I am reading and commenting on  John 10-11.

We are called to imitate Jesus who laid down his life for us, and then took it up again.  In the same way, if we lay down our life for others in service to Christ, God will raise us up again.  This passage contains two statements which should give us great comfort.  First, if we listen to Jesus and believe in Him, He will give us eternal life.  God has given in to His hands those who do so, and no one is able to take them out of His hands.  The second statement is closely related.  Those who believe in Jesus will live, even though they may die.  Thus we know that those who have gone before us while believing in Jesus will live again, and if we put our faith in Him we shall one day see them again.

This passage also contains an important lesson in the negative.  While Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead caused many to believe in Him, there were those whose opposition to Him was merely intensified by this event.  They were more concerned with losing their power and position then with seeing the will of God come to pass.  In many ways, they represent the answer to the question, “Why doesn’t God just show Himself in a way that no one could doubt?”  The answer, as we see here, is that there will always be those who reject the evidence for God because they do not wish to accept it.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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