November 7, 2020 Bible Study Those Who Listen To Jesus’ Voice Are All One, and No Power Can Separate Them.

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on John 10-11

There are two things which Jesus said as He spoke about being the Good Shepherd which I want to write about today.  He speaks about how He has sheep in another sheepfold that would also know His voice, follow Him, and become one flock with those to whom He had already called.  I believe that Jesus was referring to Gentiles when He referred to another sheepfold. Jesus’ teaching here, and what He spoke about in yesterday’s passage when He talked about truth and those who are truly the heirs of Abraham, form the basis for what Paul wrote in Galatians 3:28-29. Those who follow Jesus’ voice are no longer divided into tribes. We are no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, black or white. We are one in Jesus.  Those who strive to divide us into separate tribes are those whom Jesus refers to as the thieves who desire to steal and kill and destroy.  As we look around us today, we can see who those people are.  Do not listen to their voices.

Jesus goes on to tell us that those who listen to His voice were given to Him by the Father.  And once again, what Jesus says here is the basis for what Paul wrote in Romans 8:38-39.  Nothing can ever separate us from God’s love, nothing and no one can snatch us away from Jesus.  God is more powerful than anyone else, and  than anything.  As bad as things may seem when we look at the world around us, let us remember that God holds us in His hands and nothing can pry us out of them.  And this connects with what Jesus said to Martha shortly before He raised Lazarus from the dead.  Not even death can separate us from Jesus.  Those who put their faith in Jesus and listen to His voice will never truly die.  You have heard the saying, “Only two things in life are sure, death and taxes.”  But, the fact of the matter is that there is one thing even more sure than either of those.  That thing is God’s love for us.  No power can separate us from God, not death, and not the government.

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