November 27, 2016 Bible Study — Live To Please Others

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 15-16.

    In yesterday’s passage, Paul told us not to argue about whether or not it is OK to eat meat offered to idols. He continues his discussion on that point into today’s passage. I have always struggled somewhat with his point here, since elsewhere he talks about the importance of pointing out to people when they are sinning. However, I realized today that Paul’s main focus in this discussion is on those who recognize that there is nothing wrong with eating meat offered to idols (with several qualifications). It is offering meat to idols in the first place that is the sin. Here in today’s passage he tells us to be considerate of those who are sensitive about such things.
    Paul is pointing out here that those of us who believe that some rule of behavior does not apply (such as women covering their head, or Christians being teetotalers) should not argue with those who believe that it does. Further, we should be careful not to flaunt our belief in front of those who are on the other side. For example, I think it is OK for Christians to consume alcohol. However, I do not drink in front of those I know believe otherwise, nor do I talk about alcoholic drinks in front of them. There is no reason for me to argue with those who disagree with me on this issue. If they become aware of my position on this issue and confront me about it, I will explain why I believe what I do, but I will not attempt to convince them that they should drink alcohol.

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