November 23, 2021 Bible Study — The Importance Of Learning From Those You Teach, And Teaching Those From Whom You Learn

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Romans 1-3.

Paul begins his letter to the Believers in Rome by summarizing his ministry, which he summarizes as being to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.  He goes on to write of his long held desire to visit and preach in Rome, something he is convinced will finally happen in the near future.  He goes on to express his desire to bring some spiritual gift to the Roman Believers, then realizes this sounds as if he thinks of himself as better than they in some way.  Paul makes it clear that while he thinks that other Believers are enriched by what he can teach them he also believes that he is enriched, and learns more about truly following Jesus, by his interactions with other Believers.  I understand the dilemma  Paul had here.  Paul felt he had to make the case for what he had to offer other Believers, but struggled with coming off as if he felt the benefit all flowed from him to them, when in fact he felt that he gained better insight into his faith by explaining it to others, and by the responses they had to his teaching.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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