November 23, 2020 Bible Study There Is No Excuse For It, But All Have Sinned

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 1-3

After his introduction, Paul lays out his basic understanding of the world.  Wicked people suppress the truth because God has made His nature obvious, through His creation, to anyone willing to know it.  Therefore, anyone who wishes to not believe in God must suppress the truth which they themselves know in order to justify such unbelief.  As a result of their denial of God, people do vile and degrading things with each other. A corollary to this is that the more people deny that which nature shows them about God, the more vile and degrading their actions will become. I could easily apply some of what Paul says about those vile and disgusting things to what we see in our society today, and how the fact that Paul was talking about those very same things 2,000 years ago shows us that mankind has not changed, but that is not where I want to go today.

Having established that those who reject God have no excuse for their unbelief, Paul turns to those who know God’s commands and warns them that they have no basis to judge.  Those of us who know God are no better than those who deny His existence.  We know, and acknowledge, what God commands, but we still violate His commands.  If we try to claim that we are better than those others, we will cause them to blaspheme the name of God.  There are those who do not acknowledge Christ who follow His teachings more closely than we sometimes do.  We need to recognize that we are not better than anyone else.  We too are sinners who have fallen short of what God commands.

There is nothing we, or anyone else, can do to make ourselves right with God.  We must accept that we can only be made right with God by the action of God.  No matter how hard we try, we will fail to live up to the standard to which God calls us.  We must rely on God to make us right with Him and not think that we can do so ourselves.  We cannot be good enough to get into Heaven because of our actions.  However, just because we must rely on God’s grace does not mean that we should not continue to strive to do as God commands.  In fact, we should strive to do as God commands because of His grace.

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