November 22, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 26-28.

    I have previously noted that Paul seems to be someone who stirred up animosity wherever he went. He does not appear to have been the most diplomatic of fellows. However, this lack of tact or diplomacy seems to have been a conscious decision rather than an inability to be diplomatic or tactful. In today’s passage, Paul presents his defense to King Agrippa. In that introduction, and throughout his defense, Paul is very complimentary towards King Agrippa. It is interesting to note that at the beginning of his defense Paul stated that he believed that God could raise the dead. However, Festus, the Roman governor, did not question Paul’s sanity until Paul stated that Someone had actually risen from the dead.
    Having said this I want to circle back to some things Paul said while he was describing what he preached. First, he talked about how he preached first in Damascus, then Jerusalem and so on. His wording reminds me of what Jesus said in the Great Commission. I think that Luke is showing us how Paul’s ministry mirrored Jesus’ instructions to the disciples (and Paul may have been doing similarly in his speech). The other point is Paul’s summation of what he preached. People must repent of their sins and turn to God. However, that is not enough, they must demonstrate they have changed by doing good things.

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