November 21, 2019 Bible Study — You Cannot Defend Your Beliefs By Violating Your Principles

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 23-25

Paul’s appearance before the Jewish high council illustrates an interesting fact.  On a purely logical analysis of their beliefs, the Pharisees disagreed to a greater extent with the Sadducees than they did with Paul and the Christians.  Paul took advantage of this divide to prevent the high council from adopting a charge against him which might carry weight with the Romans.   It is worth looking at this divide.  The Pharisees believed  in the supernatural, the Sadducees did not.  We see such alliances between conflicting ideologies today, where people work with people whose worldview is in complete contradiction to their own to attack others who they perceive as a greater threat.  We should be prepared to point out the  conflicts in these alliances and be aware when we are entering into such agreements.  


We see the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders in those who plotted to kill Paul.  Our focus should be on avoiding the same hypocrisy (and not necessarily letting ourselves off the hook because we will not go as far as murder).  Are we willing to compromise our professed values in order to silence those with whom we disagree?  Do we proclaim to believe in honesty, but then lie to win the argument?  I will not go on, I think you get the point.

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