November 21, 2016 Bible Study — Dealing With Opposition

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 23-25.

    Paul’s trial before the Sanhedrin demonstrates that many times the things which divide those who oppose Christians are wider than their disagreement with Christianity. Paul took advantage of that division, we should not be afraid to tailor our arguments to those who oppose us to do the same. Then when Paul was on trial before the Roman governor Felix his accusers made charges which look very specific, but on closer examination prove to be hearsay and and rumor. They believed these things were true because they were predisposed to believe the worst about those who followed The Way (Christians). Governor Felix was unwilling to have Paul executed because he could not find any evidence showing his guilt, but he was unwilling to upset the political powers among the Jews by releasing him.
    Two years later when Felix was replaced by Festus as governor, Paul was still a prisoner (albeit one with many privileges). Festus was also unwilling to release Paul. Festsu claimed that if Paul had not appealed to Caesar he could have (implying that he would have) released Paul. However, Paul only appealed to Caesar because Festus wanted to transfer Paul to Jerusalem for trial. Paul was aware that some of the Jews were planning to kill him during the transfer. If Festus truly wished to release Paul he could have done so before Paul appealed to Caesar.

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