November 20, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 21-22.

Luke tells us that as Paul was traveling to Jerusalem he repeatedly met with people who prophesied that he would be bound and imprisoned if he completed his journey as planned. Despite these warnings, Paul was determined to complete his journey. I have often heard people speak and write about Paul’s great faith demonstrated here. Paul said that he was willing to be imprisoned for his faith, even to die for it. We should certainly have faith similar to Paul’s in this regard. However, I wonder if the Holy Spirit was inspiring these prophets in order to guide Paul to changing his plans. Before you reject that idea I want to point out that the Bible contains many examples of the failings of great men of God. Having made that point, I still believe that Paul’s willingness to face imprisonment and death should serve to inspire us to be faithful in the face of whatever opposition we meet.

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