November 19, 2020 Bible Study Harmless Superstition Or Unintentional Sorcery?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 19-20

As I read this passage, and what was in yesterday’s passage about Ephesus, when Paul first visited Ephesus on his way back to Antioch of Syria he only spoke to some Jews there, but not enough to convince them to become Believers.  He did leave behind Priscilla and Aquila, and a few other Believers from Corinth.  However, the first Believers in Corinth appear to have been converted by Apollos (or perhaps another follower of John the Baptist).  From there we have an interesting progression.  When Paul returned he discovered these Believers who had not yet received the Holy Spirit, he laid his hands on them and they spoke in tongues.  From there people began to experience miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit such that people saw Paul as a magic worker.  They began to view Paul as a powerful sorcerer who channeled the power of Jesus, which they could integrate into their systems of magic.  When it backfired on some well-known practitioners they realized how wrong they were and turned from the practice of magic.  This turning away from the practice of magic impacted the worship of Artemis, in particular the sale of items related to her worship which were used in magic rituals.  Many of those who had been practicing sorcery would have denied that they were doing so until they heard what happened to the sons of Sceva  and realized that their dabbling was dangerous.  What forms of idolatry do we practice bits and pieces of, thinking it is just an innocent diversion?

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