November 18, 2020 Bible Study God Reveals Himself To Those Who Seek Him

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 17-18

I noticed something interesting today.  Those who opposed Paul and Silas’ teachings formed a mob and started a riot.  Then they went before the city authorities to complain that Paul and Silas were disturbing the city.  We should be alert to people who stir up trouble and then blame it on those they oppose.

Every time I read this little snippet about Apollos I am intrigued.  What exactly did  Luke mean when he said that Apollos only knew John’s baptism?  My understanding of this passage is that Apollos was a disciple of John the Baptist (or of one of John’s disciples), who had heard about Jesus and come to the conclusion that Jesus was the Messiah without having ever heard a Believer preach.  If that is the case, it lends support to what Paul preached in Athens, and later wrote about in some of his letters, that God had revealed Himself through the world around us.  Apollos was able to come to Christ through His study of Jewish Scripture and the stories about Jesus’ teachings which had become common knowledge.

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