November 17, 2016 Bible Study — Are We Called To Be As Confrontational As Paul?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 14-16.

    Paul was clearly a divisive personality. We see that when he was traveling with Barnabas that in city after city there was division in the town. Some people strongly supported Paul, some strongly opposed him. Paul did not avoid confrontation. Then after Paul’s falling out with Barnabas, once more a mob was stirred up against Paul’s teaching. Our calling is not to avoid confronting sinners. Our calling is to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and to confront those who obstruct those who seek the Lord.
    I want to bring attention to the fact that when Paul and Silas were jailed, they did not take advantage of the opportunity to escape which the earthquake gave them. I have always been impressed by this story. Here were Paul and Silas. They had been arrested, stripped and beaten, and put in chains in prison. They had severely restricted movement. Yet, they spent their time praying and singing hymns to praise God. They were such an influence that none of the other prisoners took the opportunity to escape afforded by the earthquake either. Finally, when the government officials ordered their release, Paul stood on his rights and demanded the officials apologize for the injustice they had committed. I do not believe that Paul did this for his own advantage. Rather, I think that Paul was using this as an educational moment to teach the government officials to not be so quick to commit injustices in the future.

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