November 16, 2018 Bible Study — Do Not Call Unclean That Which God Has Made Clean

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 11-13.

    Most times when I read the account of Peter’s visit with Cornelius and his explanation of his actions I think about the lesson that the Gospel message is for all people (and I will get back to that today). However, I think we need to learn from those who initially opposed the baptism of Cornelius and his household. Their initial opposition was a result of their legitimate concern about maintaining standards, about believers keeping themselves pure from sin. However, when they heard what had happened, they accepted that God was at work in ways they had not anticipated, or even thought possible. They recognized that God had validated Peter’s interpretation of his vision by bestowing the Holy Spirit upon the members of Cornelius’ household. God will welcome all people who seek Him, no matter how unclean, sinful, or otherwise inappropriate their background may be. Those who follow Christ should be willing to associate with anyone who will associate with us because we cannot know whom the Holy Spirit will descend upon and bring to repentance and salvation. However, we need to make note of the fact that God calls everyone to repent of their sins. Our willingness to associate with sinners must never extend to condoning their sin. In his vision the voice told Peter, “Do Not call something unclean if God has made it clean.” Christ died to make all people clean from sin if they will accept His cleansing. Who are we to decide who has and has not been cleaned?

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