November 10, 2019 Bible Study — Unity In Truth, Not Truth In Unity

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on John 17-18

In His prayer at the end of the Last Supper, Jesus makes a point which applies the promises and instructions which Jesus gave to His disciples to us today who believe in Him because of their message.  I fully believe that John intended for us to read it that way.  In addition to what He prayed for and taught His disciples, Jesus prayed for something specifically for those of us who came to Him through their message.  He prayed that we would have unity with each other and with Him and the Father.  The unity which Jesus prays for His followers only happens if those followers are in God and have God in them.  He does not pray for unity for unity’s sake.  Rather He prays for us to be united in Him, as He is united with the Father.

The world will hate us, just as it hated Jesus.  Nevertheless, Jesus sends us out into the world, just as the Father sent Him into the world.  Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice so that we might be made holy by God’s truth.  Therefore, we should give ourselves as a sacrifice to bring glory to God’s name and so that others might be made holy by God’s truth.  Jesus teaches us that there is objective truth and that we can know that truth.  However, we must continually listen to the Holy Spirit as it reveals that truth to us.  Just because there is objective truth and we can know that truth does not mean that we do know that truth.  Or, to put it more exactly, just because we know some of the truth does not mean that everything we know is the truth.

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