May 9, 2018 Bible Study — It Is Possible to Overcome Our Past

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Chronicles 2-4.

    Today’s passage continues tracking the genealogy of the people of Israel. In particular it tracks some of the descendants of Judah. Even more specifically it tracks the ancestry of King David and his descendants through Solomon. It is likely that the genealogy contained here was placed here to provide a base for those who returned from Exile to trace themselves back to Jacob. Of course, this genealogies were almost certainly based on that of some of those who returned from the Exile. I have read through this several times this year, and in previous years, but am unable to see a lesson here for us to learn from.
    In the middle of this passage (1 Chronicles 3:9-10) we have the mention of Jabez and his prayer. What I find interesting is that Jabez is mentioned in the middle of a genealogy, but no mention is made of who is father was, nor of any children he may have sired. Jabez’ appearance here reminds me of when an author offers up being mentioned in his next novel at a charity auction. Others have made a big deal out of his prayer and what that means for us. However, as I was looking up information on him I cam across a comment which I think is more important than God’s answer to his prayer. Jabez was given that name because his mother experienced extreme pain giving him birth. Such a name would have marked him as someone who life was stacked against. Despite that fact, Jabez was honorable and faithful in serving God. Jabez overcame his childhood.

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