May 8, 2018 Bible Study — Keeping Track of Our Past

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Chronicles 1.

    Every time I read today’s passage I struggle to understand why it is here. If nothing else, it serves the purpose of reminding the Jewish people that they are related to the people around them; that they and everyone else are all descended from Noah. It serves as a similar reminder today, everyone alive today is a descendant of Noah, and through him a descendant of Adam. In other words, all of us are descended from the man whom God created in His own image. We were all created by God to serve Him.
    However, this genealogy can serve another purpose. It shows us how the stories in Genesis were passed down from father to son. This genealogy shows us a line that was keeping track of these stories as other lineages lost track of their past.

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