May 3, 2020 Bible Study God Is Not an Umbrella

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Kings 13-14.

I find a few things interesting about today’s passage.  First, the three kings of the Northern Kingdom mentioned are all listed as being evil in God’s sight because they continued in the sins of Jeroboam.  This description is interesting because the writer spoke positively about King Jehu, listing that he failed to destroy Jeroboam’s gold calves as his only drawback (although the writer does count that as a serious drawback).  So, perhaps King Jehu had not encouraged the worship of the gold calves but merely allowed it.  Also interestingly, King Jehu’s grandson, King Jehoash wept at Elisha’s bedside as the prophet was dying, despite the fact that we are told he did what was evil in God’s sight.  This reveals that the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom did not outright reject God.  Rather, they just gradually allowed themselves to foll into sin, while thinking they were continuing to worship God.  Just as we all too often do today, they treated God as something to be used in case of emergency.  Sure, when times are good you check that He is there every so often, but you don’t really need to spend any time with Him.  They, and we, only “get Him out” when disaster strikes.  Then we cry out to God for deliverance.

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