May 27, 2020 Bible Study Are We Inspired to Support God’s Work?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 31-33.

When the people who came to the Passover held by Hezekiah returned home they destroyed pagan shrines and idols throughout the land.  This was different from other accounts where the king destroyed those shrines.  I forgot to mention it yesterday, but this occurred after the Assyrians had destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel.  So, we see that there were still some who worshiped God living in the area of the northern tribes.  An example of how inspired the people were by Hezekiah’s reforms is their response to his requirement for tithes to support the priests and Levites.  Hezekiah only applied his order to those living in Jerusalem.  Yet, people throughout the land were inspired to bring in tithes as well.  In fact, the response was so extensive that a system had to be set up to distribute these tithes to priests and Levites living outside of Jerusalem.  We should be similarly inspired to give so as to support God’s work.

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