May 27, 2018 Bible Study — Inspiring and Being Inspired

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 31-33.

    After the Passover celebration which King Hezekiah had organized, those who attended it left with religious fervor. They went out into all of Israel, not just the Southern Kingdom, they went throughout both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, and destroyed the idolatrous shrines. Many of the people had arrived in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration with an incomplete understanding of what God asked of His people. They all left with an enthusiasm which was contagious. And that enthusiasm did not end when they got home. Hezekiah harnessed that enthusiasm by making personal contributions to the priests and Levites in order for them to carry out worship services. Hezekiah’s words and actions inspired the people to make such generous contributions to the work of the Lord that the priests and Levites had to seek out recipients for the largesse. We should strive for similar things in our worship services today. We should seek leaders who inspire us and others as Hezekiah inspired people. We should seek to be leaders who inspire others as Hezekiah inspired others. We should act and give as if we have been inspired as Hezekiah inspired his people.

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