May 23, 2018 Bible Study — King Jehoshaphat Remains Faithful

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 19-22.

    When King Jehoshaphat returned from his ill-fated war aiding King Ahab, he proved himself different from his father. Upon his return, a prophet chided Jehoshaphat for his friendship with King Ahab. Rather than respond by imprisoning the prophet, as his father had done when similarly chided, King Jehoshaphat renewed his efforts to encourage his people to worship the Lord. Earlier, Jehoshaphat had sent his officials out among the people. Now, he himself went among them to encourage them to worship the Lord faithfully. As a result of this exposure to the needs of his people, King Jehoshaphat appointed judges, whom he strictly instructed to judge with integrity. He gave them a mandate to pass judgments which pleased God, not which pleased wither the crowds or the powerful.

    One result of Jehoshaphat’s going to war to aid King Ahab was that some of the surrounding nations lost their fear of him. Three of the neighboring kingdoms formed an alliance against Jehoshaphat and launched an invasion. Again, King Jehoshaphat demonstrates that he was different from his father. Rather than seeking the aid of other kings, Jehoshaphat turned to God. He called on all of the people to fast and pray for God’s aid. Then, as he marched the army out to fight the invaders, he turned the march into a procession of worship. I want to note that Jehoshaphat did not impose this idea of a worship procession by the army on the people. He did so in consultation with the people. King Jehoshaphat and his people were in accord to trust the Lord in the face of this threat of foreign invaders. While Jehoshaphat’s army marched to meet the enemy armies, praising the Lord the entire time, the enemy alliance fell apart. The three enemy armies turned on each other, leaving behind the plunder they had taken from the raids they had already conducted (the passage does not tell us where this plunder came from in the first place). I want to point out a difference in results between Jehoshaphat and Asa. When Asa chose to rely on another king, it cost him much treasure. When Jehoshaphat chose to rely on God, it gained him much treasure. It may not always work out that way, but one thing is sure: when we rely on God the results are always better than when we rely on men.

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