May 22, 2021 Bible Study Even One Whose Heart Is Fully Committed To The Lord Can Make Mistakes

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 15-18.

We generally overlook Asa because the Bible tells us much more about his son Jehoshaphat.  Yet, here we learn that King Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord for all of his life.  His religious reforms encouraged more people to migrate from the Northern Kingdom into Judah.  King Asa called the people to assemble for a festival to worship God and rededicate themselves to Him.  For all of the great things which he did in the service of God, late in his reign when Baasha, King of Israel, attacked him, rather than trusting in God to deliver victory, King Asa sent a bribe to the king of Aram.  At the same time he became intolerant of those who criticized him.  So, we learn that even one whose heart is fully committed to the Lord can make mistakes.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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