May 22, 2020 Bible Study Sometimes the Fires of Youth Turn Into the Cynicism of Age

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 15-18.

It is interesting that Asa conducted his major religious reforms after his great victory, not before.  While yesterday’s passage tells us that God gave King Asa victory because he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, today’s passage tells us that a prophetic message upon his return led him to remove the detestable idols from all of the towns and villages under his control.  We see how the victory’s which God gives us as a result of our trust in Him can inspire us to even greater worship of God.

However, the end of King Asa’s reign gives us a warning as well.  Despite the great victories which God gave him as a young man, when Asa got older and faced war once more he sought pagan allies rather than putting his trust in God.  Further, when confronted by a prophet about this lack of trust in God, rather than humbly repent he struck out at the one bringing him God’s message.

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