May 20, 2021 Bible Study Solomon Cuts a Trade Deal With the Queen of Sheba

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 Chronicles 8-10.

The story of the Queen of Sheba coming to visit King Solomon has caught the imagination of people over the centuries.  Yet, it is overall a rather minor story.  Much of the legend which has risen about it suggests that King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba were lovers.  However, there is nothing in the account of her visit to suggest that was the case.  Reading the account here today makes more sense out of her visit than any to which I had previously come.  In the account here, the Queen of Sheba’s visit follows immediately after Solomon had started sending ships out in to the Red Sea and from there to the Gulf of Persia.  Up until that point most of the trade from India, and points east going to the Mediterranean would have gone overland, or through places such as Sheba and overland to the Mediterranean.  Here was Solomon capturing both sides of that sea trade with ports on both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.  The Queen of Sheba went to Jerusalem to figure out how she could keep her country from getting completely cut out of this trade.  To me, the story suggests that Solomon had both the wisdom to set up sea trading from ports on the Red Sea and to cut a deal with the established players in that trade (as he previously had done with Hiram of Tyre on the Mediterranean side).

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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