May 2, 2020 Bible Study Jehu Rejects Baal Worship

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Kings 10-12.

I have commented on this several times, but it is worth noting again.  The account of King Jehu’s actions after he took the throne of the Northern Kingdom show us that the people of that land still respected God.  They sought to worship Him, despite the attempts by their leaders to turn them to idolatry.  God rewarded King Jehu for destroying Ahab’s family and the worship of Baal.  Nevertheless, Jehu continued to encourage the people of Israel to worship at the golden calves which Jeroboam had set up.  He almost certainly did this for political reasons; he was afraid that if the people went to the Temple in Jerusalem to worship they would turn their loyalty to the king in of Judah who ruled in Jerusalem.  So, the account we have suggests that Jehu was not a godly man, but he appears to have revolted against King Ahab’s son because of the latter’s Baal worship.  One thing that is not clear to me is whether he worshiped God according to what he understood to be correct and did not seek a better understanding, or if he chose to worship as he did because it was politically expedient.

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