May 19, 2020 Bible Study If My People Will Humble Themselves, Pray, and Turn From Their Wicked Ways

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Chronicles 5-7.

At two separate points in today’s passage it tells us that the Lord’s presence filled the Temple.  The way the passage is written one might conclude that these were two different events.  However, it looks to me that the first time it mentions God’s presence entering the Temple was the end of an abbreviated description of the dedication of the Temple which described the priestly activity connected with bringing the Ark into the Temple while the second time was the end of a longer description of the event from the perspective of the general populace.  The other interpretation of these two clouds of God’s presence filling the Temple is that the first time it filled the parts of the Temple where only the priests went and the second time God’s presence spread out and filled the entire Temple including the Temple courtyard. I tend towards the first interpretation, but see valid understandings of God that can come from the second.

I like looking at Solomon’s prayer asking God to watch over the Temple and God’s answer at the same time. Solomon asks God to put His name on the Temple and to watch over it.  He also asks that God answer prayers directed towards the Temple and to God.  There is one specific request Solomon makes to which I think we should pay special attention.  Solomon asks God to hear and answer the prayers of those who are not part of His people so that all people may have the opportunity to become God’s people (my simplification of Solomon’s request).  God’s answer to Solomon was that He had chosen the Temple to be set apart as holy.  However, God rejected Solomon’s request to put the condition of praying towards the Temple on people’s prayer.  God’s answer to that part of Solomon’s prayer was, “if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. ”  God promised it to the people of Israel in Solomon’s time and He promises it to us today.  Let us humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways.  That is what it will take for God to restore our land.

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