May 17, 2018 Bible Study — Those Who Seek God Will Find Him, But He Will Reject Those Who Reject Him

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Chronicles 27-29.

    The passage continues on from yesterday’s listing of the duties assigned to priests and Levites to list David’s other officers and officials. We see that David carefully delegated his authority in order to efficiently administer his kingdom. David also managed to balance the advantages of a trained army ready to fight at a moments notice with the liabilities of keeping a professional army by having units which served for 1 month out of the year. This allowed him to have enough men on hand to deal with any sudden military necessities without the expense, and other problems, of keeping an army of warriors busy year round. In addition, it left him with a pool of trained men to call upon when a larger force was needed..

    Considering the way in which Solomon was crowned, I am unsure how much of the address this passage says King David gave at Solomon’s coronation reflects what David actually said. However, there are still important words in it for us. There is a promise contained within which God will honor. Those who obey God’s commands wholly and completely will be secure in their land. God knows all of our thoughts and plans, no matter how cleverly hidden they may be, even if we have hidden them from ourselves. If we seek Him, we will find Him. If we seek to do His will, we will learn it and find the strength to do so. But there is an important codicil to this, if we reject God, He will reject us.

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