May 16, 2021 Bible Study Leaders Need To Not Only Avoid Impropriety, But Also The Appearance Of Impropriety

Today, I am reading and commenting on  1 Chronicles 24-26.

This is another one of those passages which I generally find hard to read and even harder to comment on.  However, skipping over this passage would be a mistake.  The passage discusses how King David assigned duties to the priests and Levites.  The passage tells us that he did so with complete impartiality by having his leadership team cast lots in the presence of representatives of all of the families.  This teaches us an important lesson: it is not enough to make decisions in an impartial way, people must also perceive that those decisions were made in an impartial way.  Again, King David and his advisers recognized that both halves of this formula must be met.  When leadership makes decisions they must equally be sure that there the decision is made fairly and without partiality and that people perceive such to be the case.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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