May 16, 2018 Bible Study — Giving People Equal Opportunities to Praise the Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Chronicles 24-26.

    There are two aspects of today’s passage which I find interesting. David was careful to make sure that the priests and Levites were assigned tasks in a way that precluded the appearance of favoritism. In the Church today we need to follow a similar practice. Church leaders should work to make sure that they do not choose just their friends for the choice tasks, but give everyone an opportunity at them. More interesting was the fact that musicians were chosen for services by lot with no preference for experience or skill. All of those who played musical instruments to praise God were given equal opportunities to do so. I think that we should strive to follow this example as well. Those who wish to use their musical abilities to praise God should be given opportunities to do so, even if the rest of us are of the opinion that God gave them no talent in that area. Not only should they be given the opportunity to do so, but we should encourage them to do so.

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