May 1, 2020 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Kings 8-9.

When I read this passage I wonder how the history of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel might have been different if King Jehoshaphat had raised his son to follow after him in serving God, and not arranged his marriage to King Ahab’s daughter.  Would Jehoshaphat’s grandson have then also served the Lord? And provided an ally who might have led King Jehu of Israel to be a better king?  In any case, Jehoshaphat’s son and grandson were kings who did evil in God’s sight and led the people of Judah to worship Baal.

In any case, when Jehu was anointed by a prophet to be king over Israel and to wipe out Ahab’s family he acted quickly and decisively.  The account of Jehu’s actions tells us that there was a strong element of those who still worshiped God and rejected Baal worship among the army of Israel and the people of Israel.  We can learn from this that as bad as things seem there are more people who still worship God than it may seem.

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