March 29, 2020 Bible Study — God Provides Rescue to Desperate People Who Turn To Him

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 1-3.

When I am doing these daily Bible studies I don’t usually get much out of the various songs recorded in what are otherwise prose passages (I’m not sure why).  However, today, in light of what is going on in the world, Hannah’s prayer of praise jumped out to me.  I want to focus on Hannah’s praise of God and her gratefulness to Him.  First, Hannah acknowledges that her strength comes from God.  In these trying times let us turn to God for the strength to get through them.  If we attempt to rely on our own strength, we will fail.  God will shelter us in ways that no one and nothing else can.  God will be our rock, our shelter, if we trust in Him.  We need to stop acting proud and haughty.  Instead, we need to put our faith in God, for it is He who gives both life and death.  We cannot defeat the trials we face by strength alone and if we fight against God we will be destroyed no matter what we bring to the fight.  If you are experiencing desperation, reach out to God as Hannah did in this passage and dedicate yourself to serving Him.

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