March 26, 2016 Bible Study — All of the People Did What Seemed Right In Their Own Eyes

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 17-19.

    This entire passage is summed up by verse six in chapter 17, “all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.” The three stories in this passage illustrate how things get worse when there is no standard of right and wrong to which we hold each other accountable. First we have Micah setting up his own idol, with a Levite serving as priest and offering up sacrifices to it on his behalf. Then we have a war band from the tribe of Dan stealing the idol and its furnishings and threatening Micah when he confronted them about their theft. Finally, we have the story about the men of Gibeah who wanted to rape the Levite traveler who spent the night in their town. It is clear from the story that this was not an isolated incident. This story tells us what happens in a society where no one has standing to tell anyone else that what they are doing is wrong. The answer to this problem is NOT for us to hold others accountable to do what is right, but to ask others to hold US accountable to do what is right (although, we need to be willing to hold others accountable when they ask us).

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